Specialist of sound acoustics
Do you need acoustic advice ?
You feel that a room is too loud, too hollow, too cool, too
reverberating or too tiring. You find it hard to follow
conversations or to find peace of mind, and the speech
privacy is poor. You can hear other people or colleagues
during their activities, and this disturbs your own…
A common nuisance: disturbing noise at the office or at home.

There are many kinds of sound and many ways that sound affects our lives. Sound sources can be speech, background noises, such as an air conditioning or a humidifier, or disturbing noise caused by traffic or neighbours. Sound is a mechanical wave. … When a sound wave strikes one of the surfaces of a room, some of the sound energy is reflected back into the room and some penetrates the surface. Parts of the sound wave energy are absorbed by conversion to heat energy in the material, while the rest is transmitted through – this produces sound reflections and reverberations.
If you have problems with bad acoustics, disturbing reverberations and ‘hollow’ sound at your own home or at the office, then acoustic panels can solve these problems. Acoustic panels are highly effective and literally ‘soak up’ undesired sound reflections.
What is the difference between sound and acoustics
Acoustics is the science of sound. Acoustic waves are a type of wave that travels at the speed of sound. Acoustics is the study of sound in mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids. All building materials have some acoustical properties in that they will all absorb, reflect or transmit sound striking them – sound strikes reflection surfaces such as the floor, the ceiling or walls – this produces sound reflections and reverberations. Without being aware of it, we are constantly busy with this process during the day: every time we enter a new room, the acoustics change. Generally, every purpose requires an individually designed acoustic solution. …your sound is only as good as the acoustics in your room!
What are bad acoustics?
In most cases, we take acoustics for granted and don’t think much about it… This changes when acoustics disturb us when we are busy with a task: bad acoustics can, for instance, limit the speech intelligibility in a room and hinder other people in receiving our message.
We might feel disturbed at work because our colleagues produce too much noise. It takes a lot of concentration to make a telephone call or to write a letter, and the additional strain caused by surrounding noise leads to tiredness. We can say that the acoustics of a room are bad when noise hinders it in its function.
What are good acoustics?
A room must reflect the noise that is being produced. These sound reflections help our orientation and tell us that we are actually in a room. A room that is totally free of reverberations and absorbs all noise isolates us completely from the world around us, and for most people it is a strange experience to hear only the noise produced by them.
When all sound is absorbed equally, high as well as low
frequencies, a room sounds balanced and pleasant. When people talk in a room, we want the sound to fade
as fast as possible, so that we can understand what is being said.
Acoustic Solutions & Products
If you have problems with bad acoustics, disturbing reverberations and ‘hollow’ sound at your own home or at the office, then acoustic panels can solve these problems. Acoustic panels are highly effective and literally ‘soak up’ undesired sound reflections.

We use rockwool products in our panelling for acoustics sound. rockwool is a man made product with great acoustic properties.
Acoustic services offered
- Acoustics and soundproofing consultation for residential and commercial.
- We manufacture acoustic paneling
- Make your room soundproof
- Installation of acoustic panels
- We specialist at home sheathes
Interested in our acoustic solutions
- First of all, we listen to you and let you tell us about your experience of “sound” what one person might find disturbing.
- Next, we often give you a cost indication in based on the size and acoustic properties of the respective rooms, such as the materials that are used and the furnishing. We kindly ask you to send us this information in advance, so that we can get started as soon as possible. Based on these conditions and the composition of the room, we are already able to make a first suggestion regarding a solution that might suit your needs.
- Provided that our cost indication meets your expectations, we make a personal appointment with you in order to look and “hear” around the room.